Song for Birthday greeting

The traditional birthday song doesn’t make much sense. So, here is a version that we sing at church. It goes to the same old tune of ‘Happy Birthday to you’. 🙂 —————————————- 😉 Birthday Greetings Today! May God Bless you we pray Live for Jesus dear —– May He guide you always Happy Birthday to …

The True Essence of the Season – A Must know!

Dear brothers & sisters in Christ, Please be aware of the truth as CHRISTmas is coming. 2 years back I shared an article on Christmas & Easter. I’d recommend each and everyone to read it and know the truth behind today’s Christmas. Men are likened to sheep. And sheep have a tendency to follow the …

Remember 9/11 – Reminded of His Grace

History and Mystery in one. In the year 2001, the whole world witnessed with great   fear the collapse of the WTC. Ten years later the Lord had planned the same day to be the beginning of fear in the devil’s life, by saving me and making me stand on The rock of Salvation. Since then, …

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